Who donates to The ArQuives?

YOU DO! We are interested in preserving the records and legacy of LGBTQ2+ stories and lives, and we welcome your legacy to become part of ours. We recognize that the LGBTQ2+ community is rich and complex, and we especially welcome stories from those that have not traditionally seen themselves reflected in The ArQuives collection.

We need you now more than ever.

Interested in donating?

Our collecting interests include, but are not necessarily limited to: personal and organizational records, books, periodicals, love letters, journals, visual art, newspapers, photographic materials, audio/visual materials, clothes, costumes, sex toys, broadsides, posters, flyers, artifacts, and electronic media. Material in any format may be donated as long as it can be accommodated and preserved.

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To donate your records, or for more information please contact us.

Not ready to part with your records just yet?

The ArQuives allows for the transfer of materials at a later date. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about planning to make a donation in your will.


For more information, to query about an item you want to donate, or to set up a donation of materials, please contact archivist@arquives.ca.

Thank You

When you make a monthly contribution to The ArQuives, you provide stable funding for the acquisition and preservation of LGBTQ2+ information.