Myseum Poster
The ArQuives and Myseum of Toronto present “Myseum on the Move: LGBTQ+ Protests”
Friday, August 28
5:00pm – 8:30pm

Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
34 Isabella Street, Toronto
Come and share with us the objects, photos or stories that show the history of LGBTQ+ Protest in Toronto. As we commemorate the first LGBTQ+ Protest in Canada the We Demand protest of 1971.
Focusing on how Toronto has led the way for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion, we are asking people of all ages to share their objects and stories to document the experiences that help us create meaning in our city. Your sharing will help us to build the Myseum’s digital collection, add to The ArQuives collections and show the diversity of experience in Toronto.Share your historical pieces of LGBTQ+ Protest in Toronto and help us build our history. Tell us what is important to you about our city and add your insights to the story of Toronto. We will have multidisciplinary ‘Myseum Experts’ on site from a variety of backgrounds to document and discuss the importance of the objects and stories. In addition to telling your own stories we will have exhibits on display including: Queering Space Exhibit, The National Portrait Collection featuring LGBTQ+ Torontonians, parts of our collections and more! Registration is free and encouraged. To register please follow the links below: