Founded in 1973, The ArQuives (The ArQuives) has grown to become the largest independent LGBTQ+ archives in the world. By collecting and caring for important historical records, personal papers, unpublished documents, publications, audiovisual material, works of art, photographs, posters, and other artifacts, The ArQuives is a trusted guardian of LGBTQ+ histories and will be for generations to come. The ArQuives created The Brian King Fabulous Researcher Fund to honour the memory of Brian King, one of the original Flashback Gala creators. Brian’s enthusiasm and devotion to the cause were, and are, legendary. At the 2016 Flashback Gala, The ArQuives announced the creation of the Brian King Fabulous Researcher Fund to enable researchers from out of town to travel to the Archives to conduct research. Applications are open to Canadian and international scholars, graduate students, artists, cultural producers, and other independent researchers with an established research agenda who wish to conduct research at The ArQuives.

Application materials should explain the research project’s focus, methodology, and engagement with existing scholarship; the application should also explain the intended product, as well as The ArQuives collection(s) to be used during the proposed grant. Applicants new to The ArQuives’s collections are encouraged to consult with volunteer archivists prior to submitting their application. They can be reached The committee will notify the successful candidate via phone or email. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email.


  • Value of the award is $500. Only one researcher will be funded each year.
  • Research must take place within the calendar year of 2017.
  • The funds can be used for travel and accommodations. No receipts are required.
  • Priority will be given to researchers outside the Greater Toronto Area (at least 400km from The ArQuives).
  • Priority will be given to researchers from marginalized communities (eg., Trans folks, Indigenous folks, Black folks, people of colour, etc.)
  • The ArQuives and the Brian King Fabulous Researcher Fund must be acknowledged in the dissertation, publication, or project.
  • A copy of the dissertation, publication, or project shall be given to The ArQuives after the completion of the project.

How to Apply

All applications must include the following material:

  1. Signed Application Form (Please see attached PDF)
  2. Project abstract (maximum 150 words).
  3. Project proposal (maximum 1000 words)
  4. Summary of The ArQuives research materials that you plan to consult during your visit and how they are pertinent to your project (maximum 500 words).
  5. CV with 2 references     Signature: ___________________________________             Date: _________________________

The deadline for applications is May 12, 2017. Applications are to be submitted to: Raegan Swanson, Executive Director Applications due by May 12, 2017 Brian King Application Form 2017.pdf