It is with sadness that the Board of Directors announces Marcos Persaud’s departure as President and member of The ArQuives’s Board of Directors, effective November 25, 2021. We are grateful for the lasting impact Marcos has made through his hard work and dedication during his tenure on the Board and through his leadership in the past year in his role as President. From helping navigate a new legal name change to his work on The ArQuives’s anti-racism plan, Marcos’ contributions have ensured The ArQuives continue to reflect the LGBTQ2+ communities it serves. While his presence on the Board will be missed, Marcos remains an active member and volunteer of The ArQuives. We wish him the very best and want to thank him for his years of service to the organization.
In the interim, the Board of Directors has appointed Ana Rita Morais and Justin Hughes-Jones as Co-Presidents. Renée Saucier will also be stepping into the Vice-President role. Our priority is maintaining a stable and effective organization and to support The ArQuives staff through this transition period. In the coming months, we will be launching a process to find new Directors to join the Board. We will be sharing updates shortly and ask for your continued support as we move forward.
Thank you,
The ArQuives Board of Directors