That was June 10, 2003, and their union came after the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld a lower court ruling to legally allow such marriages. From The ArQuives Newsletter, 2012: The ArQuives is pleased to announce the completion of the R. Douglas Elliott records processing project. The records were donated to the Archives by Elliott, a Toronto lawyer who successfully represented the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto in the landmark same-sex marriage case in Ontario. On June 10th, 2003, the Ontario court of Appeal upheld a Divisional Court ruling which declared that defining marriage as between “one man and one woman” violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The over 20 cartons of records document the case before the Divisional Court and before the Court of Appeal. The material consists largely of legal documents presented before the two courts, affidavits, correspondence, working files, and transcripts. These important records, which document a significant aspect of the struggle for same-sex rights, are now available for research at the Archives. The ArQuives expresses its gratitude to R. Douglas Elliott for the donation of this material. If you havent already, check out Selina and Ilaneet’s post from their wedding on June 1, 2013 – the 1st wedding at the Archives!