The Pride and Remembrance Run is our community’s annual FUN RUN to promote and foster community spirit, goodwill and sportsmanship in the LGBTQ2+ communities. We are all invited to participate in either the 5k run, or the 3k walk or as a volunteer at the event – everyone counts. Theme this year is “BE THE CHANGE” – and this year The ArQuives is a beneficiary of the event with funds going to our The ArQuives Digital Hub. The digital hub will merge The ArQuives’s digital collection databases into a single portal, a digital doorway to access our holdings from anywhere in Canada and around the world. Remote access to the world’s largest independent LGBTQ2+ archive will be achieved with the support of Pride and Remembrance and the sweat equity of our volunteers. This fun-filled event with food, art and entertainment, media, a short run and walk will all be happening on Saturday, June 23rd – mark your calendar and join us for the morning and the free lunch at noon. Please click on the link below and sign up to Volunteer with The ArQuives and be a part of our communities’ premier annual event. Over the last 22 years, the Pride and Remembrance Association has raised over $1.5 million; funds that are dearly needed by our local charities that support the LGBTQ2+ communities. BE THE CHANGE – SIGN UP, SIGN UP, SIGN UP. Email: