The ArQuives: Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives invites you to the 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Monday, May 10, 2021, at 6:00 pm EST via Zoom

Any member of the public is invited to attend. Members will be eligible to participate fully in AGM business.

The AGM is open to all and registration is required in advance for this meeting. Please register by clicking hereAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Members are those individuals who have contributed more than 15 hours of volunteer service to the organization in 2020; supported the archives with a financial donation of $15.00 or more; and/or made a significant contribution of materials to The ArQuives collection. A full membership list will be made available no less than 10 days prior to the AGM. 

Documentation for the Meeting

2020 AGM DRAFT Agenda

2019 AGM Meeting Minutes

2020 AGM Proxy Form

Call for Board Members

Board Nomination Form

Voting by Proxy

Any Member who is unable to attend the 2020 AGM may identify a proxy to participate on their behalf. The proxy is not required to be a member of The ArQuives. Members must submit a signed proxy form by 12:00 p.m. EST on Monday, May 10, 2021, to the attention of Aaron Cain, Secretary at

Proposed By-Law Amendments

Any member may propose that a new By-Law be enacted, or an existing By-Law be repealed, amended, or altered. If you wish a copy of the existing By-Laws or to propose an amendment at the AGM please email Aaron Cain, Secretary,

Electing Board Directors

An important component of the AGM is the election of members of the Board of Directors. The By-Law allows for 9 Director positions, which must include at least 3 officers: President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Should the number of candidates exceed the number of positions available the vote shall be held by ballot. (6.01)

2020-2021 Board

David DesLauriers, Treasurer (Seeking Re-appointment)

Ana Rita Morais, Director (Seeking Re-appointment)

Justin Hughes-Jones, Director (Continuing)

Marcos Persaud, Vice President  (Continuing)

Aaron Cain, Secretary (Continuing)

Nathan Hoo, Director (Continuing)

Elspeth Brown, Co-President (Not continuing)

Dennis Findlay, Co-President (Not continuing)