The ArQuives seeks proposals from qualified, experienced consultants for the research and writing of a Collection Review and Report. The project’s goal is to conduct a fulsome review of the library, archival, and artifact collections and, based on that report, conduct community consultations (virtually) across Canada and write a report with their findings. Based on the consultants’ final reports, The ArQuives will create a Collection Development plan for 2023-2027.

The successful consultant will work with staff and volunteers during both the reviews and community consultation phases. 

The ArQuives acknowledges the historical inequities of the organization and its collecting, therefore with the hopes of full transparency, wishes to hire a third party to review the collection. 

Upon the completion of this project, the final reports and Collection Development Plan will be posted on our website. These documents will help guide the creation of the organization’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan as we move into our 50th year in 2023.

Submit your proposal by March 19, 2021, @17:00 EST to:

Raegan Swanson, Executive Director –

Request for Proposals – Collection Review and Community Consultation