![[Image description: Image of The ArQuives building at 34 Isabella street with text reading Annual General Meeting]](https://arquives.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/AGM-2020-photo-2-e1588970471900-850x638.jpg)
The ArQuives (Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives) invites you to the 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM).
When: Monday, June 8, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Where: The AGM will take place on Zoom due to COVID-19
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/95916408184?pwd=Y08zQzlhallrbE5nMDFqYTljQ1FCZz09
Meeting ID: 959-1640-8184
Meeting password: 526-425
Call in: +1 647 374 4685 Canada, +1 647 558 0588 Canada, +1 646 558 8656 US (NY)
OR Find your local number here: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdCqXkTwWs
Who: Any member of the public is invited to attend.
Members will be eligible to participate fully in AGM business.
Members are those individuals who have contributed more than 15 hours of volunteer service to the organization in 2019; supported the archives with a financial donation of $15.00 or more; and/or made a significant contribution of materials to The ArQuives collection. A full membership list will be made available no less than 10 days prior to the AGM.
Voting by Proxy
Any Member who is unable to attend the 2019 AGM may identify a proxy to participate on their behalf. The proxy is not required to be a member of The ArQuives. Members must submit a signed proxy form by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, June 8, 2020 to the attention of Paul Leatherdale, Secretary at: pkleatherdale@gmail.com
Proposed By-Law Amendments
Any member may propose that a new By-Law be enacted, or an existing By-Law be repealed, amended, or altered. If you wish a copy of the existing By-Laws or to propose an amendment at the AGM please email Paul Leatherdale, Secretary, pkleatherdale@gmail.com
Electing Board Directors
An important component of the AGM is the election of members of the Board of Directors. The By-Law allows for 9 Director positions, which must include 3 officers: President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2019-2020 Board
Elspeth Brown, Vice President (Seeking Re-appointment)
Justin Hughes-Jones, Director (Seeking Re-appointment)
Marcos Persaud, Director (Seeking Re-appointment)
Kabir Ravindra, Director (Seeking Re-appointment)
Dennis Findlay, President (Continuing)
David DesLauriers, Director (Continuing)
Ana Rita Morais, Director (Continuing)
Fran Odette, Director (Continuing)
Paul Leatherdale, Secretary (Not continuing)
Nominees Sought for Board Members for The ArQuives: Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives (formerly the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives)
Located in downtown Toronto, The ArQuives is the largest independent LGBTQ2+ archive in the world. We are seeking strong candidates to submit self-nominations for our Board of Directors. We are looking for individuals who have the time, energy and initiative to work on LGBTQ2+ cultural heritage and documentary stewardship, on behalf of the entire LGBTQ2+ community. We have a working board, and all members are expected to be involved with community issues.
The Board provides much of the membership for various standing committees, such as the Finance Committee, the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Relocation Committee, and others. Board members are involved in furthering each of The ArQuives strategic goals concerning collections, diversity, programming, fundraising, and space.
In particular, we are looking for Board members who can provide leadership in the following areas: a) developing a capital campaign; b) finding a new building; and/or c) curating cultural programming for an arts/culture/heritage organization d) help build and grow our financial revenue streams.
Board members are expected to attend a monthly Board meeting and one other monthly Committee meeting; attend occasional community and The ArQuives events as a representative of the Board; work on their focus areas outside of meetings. We estimate Board member obligations as ranging between 8-10 hours per month. Board members have staggered, two-year terms. Generally, Board members run for election at our May AGM. In the event of an opening, the Board is empowered to appoint Board member(s).
The ArQuives acknowledges and is committed to addressing historical inequities within our organization. We encourage the applications from marginalized community members including those that identify as women, trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, Black, Indigenous, people of colour, and persons with disabilities.
To nominate, please send the following information to Board President Dennis Findlay: a short statement describing your interests and experience, especially as they relate to The ArQuives’ needs and priorities, a C.V. or resume, and a Nomination Form with the signature of two nominating members. Dennis can be reached at: Dennis Findlay dennisfindlay@rogers.com. As per The ArQuives’s by-laws, the President will also accept additional nominations prior to elections and from the floor.