Keeping Our Stories Alive

The ArQuives was established to aid in the recovery and preservation of our histories. Its mandate is to: Acquire, preserve, organize, and give public access to information and materials in any medium, by and about LGBTQ2+ people, primarily produced in or concerning Canada; and Maintain a research library, international research files, and an international collection of queer and trans periodicals.

The ArQuives is the largest independent LGBTQ2+ Archives in the world and since 1973 the only LGBTQ2+ archives in Canada with a national scope, read further about our history and mission.

women marching pride parade

Support Canada’s largest lgbtq2+ archives

Support Canada’s largest lgbtq2+ archives

Education Resources

Our Education Resources were developed and crafted to support educators in incorporating queer and trans perspectives into Grade 9-12 English and History curricula.

Pride Parade

ArQuives Collection

Our Collection can be searched online. Search by keyword, collection, organization, person, media, artifact type, among other options.

man in front of We remember banner

Our Exhibits

Our current and past Exhibitions are listed on our programming page here. Check out our online Digital Exhibitions anytime.

What’s New

Queer Cinema for Palestine: Foggy

The ArQuives co-presented Queer Cinema for Palestine's: Foggy screening this week. You can now view the films online. How can family memories inform solidarity? How can avant-garde voices engaging the past contribute to activism today? [...]

Call for Exhibition Proposals

The Curatorial Committee at The ArQuives: Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives is seeking exhibition proposals from contemporary artists and curators working with archival themes and materials for an exhibition in the Spring of 2024. This call for [...]

The story behind processing the Sue Wells fonds

My name is Lily Holland, and for 4 weeks this fall, I Interned at The ArQuives, and processed the Sue Wells fonds. As a PhD student based in Bristol, England, I was funded by the [...]

Roundtable on Trans Histories + Activism in Toronto

Myseum of Toronto and The ArQuives held a roundtable discussion about trans activism in Toronto between the 1960s and 1990s in April of 2023. Speakers Monica Forrester, Mirha-Soleil Ross, and Rupert Raj reflected on some of their foundational actions [...]

Our Partners

Click any of our partners’ logos below to visit their respective websites.

Pride & Run
Pink Triangle Press
Pink Triangle Press
Community One