Ten years of gay journalism

Flaunting It! is an anthology of the best writing to appear in the Canadian gay periodical The Body Politic since its first issue in November 1971. More than thirty lesbian and gay writers contribute to this pioneering examination of the ways in which a brash new political movement has changed the personal lives and political struggles of Canadian homosexuals in the Seventies. Five chapters bursting with great gay journalism: Risks; Living our lives; The making of the image of the modern homosexual; Advice on consent and other unfinished business; In the courts, on the hustings, in the street.

Edited by Ed Jackson & Stan Persky

  • ISBN-10: 0-919888-31-3
  • New Star Books; Pink Triangle Press, Vancouver, Toronto, 1982.
  • Item weight: ‎ 386 g
  • Dimensions ‏: ‎ 14.61 x 1.91 x 22.23 cm

A selection of quotes from the back cover:

“aggressive recruitment propaganda … proselytizing for homosexuality”

Toronto Star editorial, 1974

“I treasure your newspaper – especially in modern-day fascist Alberta”

lesbian reader, 1981

“plays a useful role in helping to clarify issues”

Toronto mayor John Sewell, 1979

“a filthy piece of garbage”

Toronto city alderman Joe Piccininni, 1982