Members are a key part of helping The ArQuives fulfill its mandate to LGBTQ2+ communities

Members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting including for the appointment of Board of Directors. Additionally, they help guide the organization in strategic planning and major decision making by engaging with Board and Staff members. Membership is based on the calendar year and must be renewed annually.

Volunteers posing at the ArQuives office
Volunteers posing at the ArQuives office

There are 3 ways to become a member:

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Or make a major donation of library, archival, or artifact material to The ArQuives.

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At least 15 hours

Our volunteers have a variety of different backgrounds, experiences, and skills and help bolster The ArQuives strength. From 1973 to 2004 The ArQuives was an entirely volunteer run community organization. Since 2004, The ArQuives has grown the staff team to four and the number of volunteers and volunteer hours has increased.

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Anyone can donate their records, extensive or small, young or old, serious or humorous, paper or object, personal or not!

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  • Newsletter
  • Voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting
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  • Cumulative benefits + below
  • Free researcher reader card for the calendar year
  • Recognition on our donor wall at The ArQuives
  • Charitable tax receipt for the maximum allowable amount per Canada Revenue Agency guidelines
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  • Cumulative benefits + below
  • Virtual or Guided Tour
  • Recognition in our Annual Report
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  • Cumulative benefits + below
  • Private tour with an Archivist

The Guardian Program

The Guardian Program brings together donors who want to invest in The ArQuives mission to make LGBTQ2+ history accessible through its collecting and preservation. The support of our Guardian Member demonstrates an investment in LGBTQ2+ stories and to the LGBTQ2+ communities whose history we preserve.

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Guardian Level A | $1500

  • Cumulative benefits + below
  • Invitation to annual Guardian Event
  • Invitation to special curator-led tours of select exhibitions
  • Invitation to a guided tour of Toronto LGBTQ2+ history in the spring or fall
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Guardian Level B | $3500

  • Cumulative benefits + below
  • Invitations to special events and receptions throughout the year
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Guardian Level C | $7500

  • Cumulative benefits + below
  • Copies of all new ArQuives publications
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Guardian Level D | $7500

  • In-depth educational experiences with chosen curators, archivists, or university faculty