Keep Our Stories Alive
The ArQuives aspires to be a significant resource and catalyst for those who strive for a future world where LGBTQ2+ people are accepted, valued, and celebrated. Our goal is to make LGBTQ2+ history accessible to communities through access to the collection and through dynamic programming. We strive for a world where our collective memory in Canada recognises the importance and impact of LGBTQ2+ history and celebrates it.
Educational Resources
The misrepresentation of LGBTQ2+ communities and their histories is pervasive in mainstream historical narratives, including the idea that LGBTQ2+ identities are new. Such narratives undermine the impact that LGBTQ2+ communities have had and harm community connectivity. Misrepresentation propels miseducation and perpetuates the stigma already experienced by LGBTQ2+ communities. Our Education Resources were developed and crafted to support educators in incorporating queer and trans perspectives into Grade 9-12 English and History curricula.
Digital Exhibitions
A conspiracy of silence has robbed LGBTQ2+ people of their history. A sense of continuity, which derives from the knowledge of a shared heritage, is essential for the building of self-confidence in a community. This community building is a necessary tool in the struggle for social change. By gathering, preserving, and giving access to materials by and about LGBTQ2+, our library, archive, and artifact collection help tell the story of LGBTQ2+ communities in Canada. The ArQuives gives presentations, produces digital and physical exhibitions, and works to create new ways to give LGBTQ2+ communities and the general public access to this one of a kind collection. The ArQuives makes LGBTQ2+ history accessible and visible, allowing community members to find a sense of belonging in a shared history.
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